no, youre not stupid, obviously smile
its just that a discussion on this level is rather pointless.
let me show you simple results, and argue about my point a little, and maybe you understand what i mean^^

this is the conduit:

an early unfinished level shot.

Mad world

Metroid Prime 3

residente vil Umrella Chronicles

those are all ingame shots, and actually look way better in motion. check the videos for those games^^

now, NONE of those games show what the wii can really do. the conduit will, once completed, or at least they are promising this.

Now, have a look at a Ps3 game:

thats soul calibur 4.
now lets double check this with the xbox (not 360) version of soul calibutr 2, for this is what the wii can do, and wii can do probably even better:

now, have a look at some screenshots i took from the A7 gallry page:

i played the kabus 22 demo.
i have a decent system, not too shabby, i can run all games at full speed, except crysis, but i dont have vista or general interest in that game, but i never encountered a problem for now.
but kabus 22 was slow as hell on my system. nice shots, unplayable game.
but it looks decent. static everything, but decent.

my main point was it, that ps3 style grahics are simply noit doable with A7. look at the specs of that machine. it jsut cannot be done. it can, with a FPS of 1, but not in any playable state.

setting for PS2 type graphics is jsut fine. this can be done, palyable. you need to trick alot, and probably will take years, but it can be done. thats my original point.
look at rage of tyr. this was playable. it rusn with a pretty solid framerate on my system. those screens were what that experiment really looked like. this was A6. with A7 it probably looks better and runs faster, when i optimize it (if i optimize it). however, this still is not even close to PS3 niveau. its PS2 gamecube xbox at max!