If you wish to do an rpg do not throw it out. Start with one small segment of your world and build that world and quests.

For an example say you wanted to rebuild Oblivion. I would start with the Imperial City. Not all buildings are enterable at this point but add locked doors that can be opened with interiors in the future.

A7 Pro does have modding capabilities so you can use this to add on other worlds or just add on to the master file. Either way you want to get a playable game out there and while people are playing that keep adding sections of your world. The thing about adding on to a master file is people would have to start over with their character instead of adding on.

So maybe instead of completing the IC you can start on building one of the outlying cities or the area around the IC.

If you want to use C-Sript or Lite-C there are plenty of rpg elements to get your started. Go through the user contributions and Lite-C user contributions and you will find scripts for inventory and other rpg elements. Make sure to give credit where credit is due. There is also things that can be purchased to help you along in your game. There are model packs in the user contributions and also for sale. Use what is out there as it will cut down on some of the work.

If you know your weak points then hire someone to handle those. I have hired programmers and am looking for someone paid work to do the human character modelling for me. I have several membership subscriptions to texture and model sites to save me some time.

All is not lost for rpgs. You just have to start on a small segment of your world and build out from there. I am doing a rpg. If you want ideas or can not find resources pm me.