Originally Posted By: Kasey_Dee
If you wish to do an rpg do not throw it out. Start with one small segment of your world and build that world and quests.

For an example say you wanted to rebuild Oblivion. I would start with the Imperial City. Not all buildings are enterable at this point but add locked doors that can be opened with interiors in the future.

Well, this sounds good way to start the RPG. I think I could have two projects going at the same time (so if I get bored to another i can change...). I have actually tried to make some pieces street and save them as prefabs, but I have serious problems with the textures as they are screwed up when I import the prefab...

There are lots of other problems; example: I have no idea how to even make a char have animations in game or add weapons...

So as I'm almost complete beginner, where should I start the building? (1.character movement 2.weapon system 3.skills 4.enemies 5.accessible houses). <-- I have no idea how to make any of them...

Sorry if I am asking too much and too stupid things... frown

I just want to know how to do things the best way.

Last edited by Vilde; 08/02/08 23:11.