soul calibur indeed always looked great. i can't imagine my computer having any trouble with either of those scenes in a7 -- 1-on-1 beat-em-ups always have the best graphics, because they only need to render two characters at a time plus the environment (access of which is heavily controlled by the programmer in that kind of game).

also, how terrible do the early xbox games look relative to new ones? top-notch AAA console games hack and trick like there's no tomorrow to squeeze the best out of the hardware. like ChrisB said, that's just how 3D games are made.

btw that first a7 gallery shot was concept art.

@those commenting on the fact that a7 is software and wii/ps3 is hardware: i guess this discussion is whether or not a7 can be used to produce equal-caliber software on equal-spec hardware.


EDIT: i forgot to mention which i mentioned in a previous thread and i think is important: c-script is a scripting language. lite-c gets compiled. lite-c is heaps faster than c-script.

Last edited by JulzMighty; 08/03/08 00:14. Reason: a6 can't be used as acknex's standard

Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!