@Vilde You have taken up a path that can be really interesting but you MUST spend a lot of time to learn and understand how to achieve what you want. As stated by the guys before (if you summon all the wise words) of course you CAN make an Oblivion clone but are you prepared to loose your girlfriend, work, grades or family in the process? It's all about time and effort.

Lots of people have played a plethora of games and thought, Hey I could do this!
Well it's not that simple, the things you as a gamer sees is sort of the top of the iceberg. It looks so simple when you play, some mods or tweaks that you find and install or even tweak a bit more indulge people that making games is a piece of cake, the truth is far from it.

Take time to read this, that I found a while ago: Demystifing the Art of Video Games

I will not discourage you, but you must be aware that creating a big RPG system as like Oblivion or Morrowind will take time!

Have you made or used some of all the mods to Oblivion? Are you aware of the separation of mesh, textures, animations and scripts? This is parts that you have to invent or develop when you use the 3D Gamestudio (or what ever else game engine you choose). Lots of code can be found on this forum and others, but still you must know how to code c-script or lite-c.

Secondly if you want to be successful you must think out a new or different approach to the game theme, another Oblivion, Two Worlds, The Witcher or similar will drown in the shadows of these games if it can't show up something new or thrilling.

Third, It don't need to be in global size, start with a few rooms or buildings only. And another sort of fast way to achieve great things, prove that you are capable with some codings and/or demos, then for certain other people will consider you for teaming up with them, if your goals are the same.

Whoever has the gold makes the rules.