Joozey: I greatly appreciate your reply . As long as you don't distribute any of MySQL's code you are fine. But if your dll uses any of their dll's or lib files you better talk to them and get a license in writing. I assume you are creating a game to distribute to the piblic. Listen to a guy with over 30 years in the programming industry. Everyone is sue happy and the worse the economy gets the more they sue.

I still can't get your system to work as all of my MySQL databases are on external hosted web servers and I need to be able to include a link to them in order to open them. I refer you to the php statement required to connect:
$db=mysql_connect($hostname, $loginName, $loginPassword);

In other words my databases are not local and are spread out over several servers with their own host domain names like with different domain names for our different web sites.
We need a way to access any of the servers.

ATOMIX Productions
A7 Pro 7.50