This is standard if you begin to learn a new tool.

Wouldn't call myself a beginner at trueSpace after ten years and hundrets of modeled, textured, riggend, animated and rendered sprites and characters wink

It would be a big show stopper if I had to go into several menus or pressing any buttons.

That would drive me crazy too. And does with the Blender button menu.

And here comes customization in handy. I have all my most used buttons laid out besides the workspace. Just a short mouse movement and one mouse click. No searching in sub menus. Ways faster than releasing the mouse, looking away from the screen, look which key to press, pressing the hotkey, then grabbing the mouse again. Ways faster. And my neck doesn't hurt in the evening smile

The good thing at trueSpace is that you can do both. You can use buttons with icons or text, and you can use hotkeys. And you can highly customize the windows and toolbars layout, you can set it up to your favourite useage.

If you watch some modelling-tutorials then you will realize that most of the professionals never click any button.

I overread the underlying line that says that non hotkey users are always non professional and go on with ... grin

Mmh, modeling tutorials in hotkey driven interfaces rarely have mouse clicks involved :P

Pros looks for their own special workflow. They test around for the fastest way and best solution permanently. Customized workflow is mainly based at own experience, rarely if a tool is cool or a workflow uncool.

"Professional", hmm. That's one of the biggest misunderstandings here i guess. 3DGS is mainly a hobbytool. Blender is mainly a hobbytool. trueSpace is mainly a hobbytool. This here is a big hobby scene. There are surely pros around here like you too. But most are hobbyists.

I use a tool as a tool. When it does the job it's good enough. Blender doesn't do the job for me. I battle more with the UI than anything else. trueSpace does the job. That easy smile

Last edited by Tiles; 08/06/08 17:28.

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