Joozey: If those MySQL db servers are seperate or chrooted it becomes a little harder. Though if you are on the same server using php it can become insecure very soon. That is if php can be executed by others on the same server. I'm not sure, but I think not a lot shared hosting have everything chrooted because it will take much more resource.

I can send few scripts to test. I've not posted them on this forum because i'm not certain if it's allowed. And not want to give anyone bad ideas. Security was also one of my problems when working on Destop MySQL plugin. On my server i'm using sth like fail2ban, portsentry & snort to keep out most bad people. This also helped to keep running stable and lockout the automated bruteforce hackers from locations such as China. In USA, Germany or Holland I can talk to the provider, but China..

Atomix: Have to take a look. Though i'd like to mention there is MySQL++ project which let you interface with MySQL and can be used with Litec. This project was released under LGPL license.

If i'm correct it's allowed to freely enchange and distribute, although this might not be the case anymore: if linked and fall under gpl; I'm not making commercial apps with GameStudio so i'm not really worried about all that.

For commercial applications you might require a license and must use enterprise instead of community release. Not going to speak against advise from your lawyer. Guess it's best to open another thread on this issue or talk to sales rep at MySQL department.