Wow! What negativity. You just skim and see "Oblivion" and then a simple level screen shot and you qrite, "You will fail. You won't finish. And my favorite, exactly what you just said."

My best advice, don't listen to negative people like this. I know this because I am one of these people and I find it best not to listen to myself.

Oh, and Oblivion isn't the only deep real time RPG out there. Have you ever heard of Sword of Vermilion? It is a 16 bit Sega Genesis game but all the battles are real time it is very simple in comparison to Oblivion. My other advice is perhaps making an updated version in the style of this game, add more elements of Oblivion to it. Replace the overhead view with a first person cam. Perhaps copy the simple spells.

I own both games and they do have a lot in common yet one is very simple and the other is extremely complex. I have no doubt you could do something in between. Best of luck to ya.

Last edited by FoxZero; 08/12/08 06:49. Reason: typos

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