'I' believe 'I' was still in a psychiatric facility when this thread was 'spawned'.
Ah yes, as another five star user leaves, this 'domain' again, starts to feel more and more like a sinking ship.
Thankfully, the domain never reached Titanic status.

Many thanks. This a most generous offering.
Generosity seemed to be the standard and not the exception, for here and 'your' online personality.

'You' are / were a valuable member of this 'community'.
You have 'favored' status among our number.
So, in that regard, return safely.
(However, as a warning, among marks in the tomes of prediction, fate and peril...an occurrence of submergence is found.)

(If prestige, power and wealth is found in ages forth for this and / or kin, even rarely as it be, there should be space also for thee.)