I have even released the whole source code of a small shooter project I have been working on which supports up to 8 players in a good working environment.

I'm not trying to downplay your efforts, Michael but 8 shooter DNE MMOG... and while experience with an 8 shooter can let you say "You can make a 8 shooter with GS" -- which I've never denied -- the architecture required for a MMOG is so radically differnet from that of an 8 shooter that you cannot infer that if you can do 8, you can do 100.

I urge you to TRY and do 100. Then let's see what your opinion of the engine is.

way too impractical, BUT it is possible.

I'm not going to argue semantics with you Michael... call it impractical, call it possible, I don't care. No matter how you cut it, if you are advertising something that is impractical with your engine, that is misleading at best, false advertising at worst.

Michael, I'm just being "practical" with this thread, my friend. I'm trying to make the net engine better for all of us and if you keep interjecting that "all is well" with no experience or facts to back it up, then you are making it more difficult for those of us that NEED change to get it. frown

(PS: ironically enough Michael, I was you years ago! I too thought that if I can make 8 (which I did) I could do 50 (which I did, but by butchering the engine!). As a network Fanboy, I am probably responsible for keeping this failing solution going longer than needed and I am merely here to make up for my past Fanboy sins. blush)