Okay... it actually runs now...

the colorOps and colorArgs had to go after the vertexShaderConstants.

but it shows up as just black...
Maybe it's just my card... it's been acting up...

Please test it and post your results.

MATERIAL bumpmap
matrix matWorldViewProj;
matrix matWorld;

texture entSkin1;
texture entSkin2;

vector vecLight;

technique dot3map
pass p0
Texture[0] = <entSkin2>;//2te Skin im Model ist die Normal Map
Texture[1] = <entSkin1>;//1te Skin im Model ist die Textur

VertexShaderConstant[20]= <vecLight>;
VertexShaderConstant[90]={1.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f}; //damit oFog gefüllt ist

colorOp[0] = DotProduct3;
colorArg1[0] = Texture;
colorArg2[0] = Diffuse;
colorOp[1] = Modulate;
colorArg1[1] = Texture;
colorArg2[1] = Current;

VertexShader = asm
dcl_position v0; //Position
dcl_normal v3; //Normal
dcl_texcoord0 v7; //Textur Koordinaten 0

m4x4 oPos, v0, c0
m4x4 r10,v0,c4
m4x4 r8,v3,c4
mov oT0, v7
mov oT1, v7
mov oT2, v7
mov oT3, v7

//calculate texture space matrix from normal and up
mul r0,c31,v3.zxyw //-1,0,0
mul r1,c32,v3.yzxw //0,0,-1
sub r0,r1,r0

dp3 r0.w,r0,r0
rsq r0.w,r0.w
mul r0,r0,r0.w //normalized right vector

mov r1, c30 //0,-1,0
mov r2.xyzw, r8

sub r9,c20,r10

dp3 r9.w,r9,r9
rsq r9.w,r9.w
mul r9,r9,r9.w //normalized light vector

m3x3 r3,r9,r0
mov r3.w,c30.w //transform light to texture space

add r3,r3,c18 //bias
mul r3,r3,c19//scale
mov oD0,r3.w
mov oFog,c90.x

action normalMap_ent
my.material = bumpmap;