Originally Posted By: jcl
I've just seen that this thread has grown very long meanwhile. So I apologize that I could not read it in all details. However, I understood that you worked 5 years on an MMOG project that wasn't successful, and you want to communicate that the reason was our engine, resp. some missing features. The main problems that I could extract from your posts were:

- You've heard that the Directplay network library is slow or unreliable, and want another library.
- You want the server to send entity updates only to a subset of clients in its zone.
- You got error messages in your game.
- People told you that you can't do a MMOG with Gamestudio.

Is that a correct summary of your main problems so far?

Please correct me if I'm wrong. Otherwise I'll think about how we can help in your case

When asking questions on this forum, it's helpful when you also read the answers. Either you're having a specific technical problem with your MMOG and are interested in a solution from us, or you are not. Just let me know.

I can understand that when a project is not successful, you want as many people as possible confirming that it was not your fault, but the engine's fault. However, we can only help when you tell us the problems and specify them. So please let me know whether I understood your main problems correctly in my above response, and then we can go forward.