summary attempt:
fastlane69, Oxy, jcl, and other users

*DPLAY (!MMOG compatible!?)
	Directplay network libary is slow or unreliable!?
		references please
*data corruption
	inability to prevent connection and injection of invalid dat
	clients should not crash server
*global entity update
	the server should send updates only to a subset of clients in a zone!?

features!? + corrected issues!?
*client update
*Direct Play (replace)
	with!? (i.e. Raknet, Enet, ...)
*file transfer
	protocol? (i.e. FTP)
*intra-server communication
*lobby system
	list of servers; direct input of ip is dusty
*MySQL integration (native)
*network diagnostics panel (improve)
*pure_networking = on; default = off
	conn establish; confirm for both client and server
	server can kick clients
	server can send only data arrays to client 
		to all clients
		a specific client by id
		a defined client group
	server can notice broken conns for clients (time stamp!?)
		last sent time!?
	server can limit amount of data received by a client to
		n bytes (i.e. to check login)
	server can block any client conn by IP
		no client from IP can conn
	client can also run as a server 
	all other functionality off
	no entity creation over net
	no check for loaded levels
	facilitates higher level networking via .dll
*security fixes 
	prevent connection and injection of invalid dat
	clients should not crash server
*web player

Last edited by testDummy; 08/23/08 13:03.