I'm not really sure why this thread got bumped, but yeah, Super mario Galaxy is a pretty awesome game.

Will I get laughed at if I recommend Endless Ocean? Because that game is not only incredibly relaxing, but also incredible awesome. And I really mean it, it's beautiful as soon as you get under water, the fish are nicely animated and there are lots of them, and it's really amazing to dive in some of the more hidden areas. And by "hidden" I mean: Those that everyone will see since they are part of the story.

Oh, and you learn something in this game. Yes, I'm not kidding! You are truly learning something!
Just make sure you don't expect a fast-moving game that always keeps you on your toes, since thats definately not it.

So, when will someone start the inevitable Friend-code-exchange-thread, so we can all play "Super Smash Bros. Brawl" and "Mario Kart"?

Also, just buy Zack&Wiki already, please.

Perhaps this post will get me points for originality at least.

Check out Dungeon Deities! It's amazing and will make you happy, successful and almost certainly more attractive! It might be true!