Thanks for all your comments smile

Dark_samurai, I donīt plan to do indoor shadows at the moment. There are different problems and different solutions, thus it is a completely different project. I will may give it a try as well, but that has some time.

Pappenheimer, I ofcourse donīt add Ambient Occlusion before I am done with the shadow and probably not even then. I just think that there is some depth missing when looking at those screenshots.

ventilator, I am still using my plugin but I donīt think that it is needed. I am only calculating my matrices in there and am passing them to my material matrix and I also have a simple function in there to pass an "endless" number of vectors and matrices to a shader.
What I am curious about is how you are choosing on which depthmap to do the lookup. Are you using several passes or a one pass approach like this:
I am currently trying to get it done in one which should work quite well with a depthmap, I just had to do a lot of other thing so I didnīt really succeed yet-.- I did it with if else previously and got rid of them now, but at the moment it causes the wrong depthmap to be used when looking down... The other four things I am still missing are some kind of "deep slope bias", to get rid of the vsm artefacts on some edges, to get the sky to be completely not shadowed and some culling for better fps, with which jcl has to help me...
And I still canīt get rid of the problem with 1024*1024 textures... 512*512 and 1600*1200 are btw working fine-.-