say whaaatt!??

you don't see any kind of A7 executable or program
file with the matching name of your script file.

um...set the default of your folder to show hidden files and other folders in this particular folder. Just in case.
and um,um....check and make sure what the default settings should be for placing your executables and compile source script. But in any case, the file should be in your cd published folder.

do you use any kind of content or resources like like bitmaps, sounds, music??

seriously and honestly...
I don't know what else to say and share with you.
If nothing works and there is no solution to your problem I would seek out the comapany and developers for this 3D Game Studio for your answers or even some kind of solution. Programming wise or even monetary wise.


Last edited by cemetarycat; 09/01/08 21:51.