I did some more research for other solutions, but the results are not plenty. I have little experience with massive multiplayer development and it's requirements, so I just listed everything I found worthy showing. (Yes, 3 results and 33% plausible for usage laugh ).

Some products I think are not up for the task:

Although it sounds better than 3dgs's current functionality, it's somewhat too basic. (the readme has more specific descriptions).

Well, it's actualy already saying so on the main page.

One hidden gem that may be up for it:

SDL_Net I got recommended by a MMORPG developper that wrote an interesting article about MMOG's on devmaster. This solution is not as big as raknet either, but it's clearly capable of handling a mmorpg.

Article: http://www.devmaster.net/articles/building-mmorpg/
Note that he also recommends Directplay, this either means some people here are wrong, or he is wrong. But he proved his point already by succesfully creating a mmorpg. Although not with dplay, I expect from him to know what he is talking about.

Game in dev: http://www.eternal-lands.com/
Players online: http://game.eternal-lands.com/online_players.htm
That made me quite exciting indeed, and the article was a good read.
Another note: There is a big community for SDL (as well on IRC), which is a big plus for me ^^.

It doesn't look as professional as Ragnet, but I think it could be a good alternative, especially for beginners as there is alot of support and tutorials.

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Room: #3dgs