Yeah, as I said, I went through over 6 hours of Google searches. This is probably one of the better pics, but it is an "artist's impression (look at the legs) and isn't something that I can model from. Like all the others out there, it's an FX shot. The lighting and the glows seem to be intent on hiding or distorting the shape of the craft. The one in the foreground appears to have a different shape than the one in the background. Pretty much any other craft or vehicle has blueprints, top, side, rear and bottom views that clearly show how the item was built. I guess that's why there aren't any 3d models of this craft. Oh well, I will just keep tweaking mine until I'm statisfied. Thanks for looking, Blade. Your second search produced a couple of new ones, including a side view I hadn't seen before.


People who live in glass houses shouldn't vacuum naked.