Originally Posted By: Joozey
A mini black hole needs 15 years (verify?) to destroy the world. Of course after 15 years wednesdays will still exist.

No, mini blackholes ... the ones that will be created in or during the process are like all other mini blackholes that come into existence naturally. That means that they can not and will not destroy earth.. they exist for a too short period of time and are simply too small.

The only change of even coming close to the destruction of earth, would be if for some weird reason such a mini blackhole would not disappear almost straight away, but instead grow bigger and bigger.. and then at some point 'swallow' earth.

I don't know how long this then would take, however it definitely depends on the growth-rate of the blackhole.

The chance of this happening is in fact so close to zero that it probably just won't happen... just like all the other dozens of doomsday theories,


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