
I dont think ive said this to any game on 3dgs Community, But your game looks Stupid, just pointless random Scripts Put into a Low Quality Game. Deffintly Doesnt Get my Applaud. Lets try and be a little more Creative you guys

Ive had an Inside view of the game and i have to say is to make sure you get a demo of this game b4 you even consider buying this Game and youll know what im talking about.I'd Rather Spend my 20$ on a Club To beat myself rather than playing this Torture Game

Hi, thanks for all your comments.
I can understand why you think that there is no point in the game, and true it is a bunch of games put together, and over 500,000 lines of script put together, but high quality scripts. I can assure you will like the game once you play the demo, we will have a playable demo in a month or two.