Now how would you prove logic? If you proceed to use logic to prove it you engage in circular reasoning and become illogical.

So we agree that circular reasoning, be it with the bible or logic, is illogical. You can't use that which you are trying to prove as part of the proof. Good.

Thus now that we agree that we cannot use the bible to prove the validity of the bible, we are left with this way of dealing with the bible...

This is where you appeal to your worldview/religion which everyone has by necessity.

... which is subjective and reafirms my point that it is your worldview that KJV is divinly inspired, not fact and not a global truth.

And this is why using the bible fails as a global worldview: it is strictly within your personal worldview and thus cannot be used to "lift" itself upto a global worldview in the same manner that you cannot "lift" yourself up by grabbing your feet with both hands and pulling up. This is why I say that you cannot use scriptures to prove the validity of the scriptures; that would be trying to lift yourself up with your own two hands or more accuratey using the bible to prove the validity of the bible.

Since we can't use logic according to you and we can't use personal worldviews according to me, may I suggest The Scientific Method as an impartial, non-circular way to compromise and address these issues?