You absolutely cannot seperate logic from your religion or opinions.

Logic is a procedure, independent of religion or opinion. You may not be aware of this, but this is a game engine forum for making (ie: programming) games. Thus we all understand logic in terms of "if/then" which applies no matter what my beliefs. This is why I think you have a unique definition of logic that is personal and not universal.

So are there different laws of logic ("my logic")?

Not as far as I'm concerned which is why I ask you to define your version of logic. If your definition of logic and my (wikipedia) definition of logic are the same, then we have a common starting point from which we can better understand scripture and reality.

Math and logic are possible within the Christian worldview but not possible within your worldview.

So are you saying that only christians with their christian worldviews can do or properly understand math and logic?
Or are you saying that my not being a christian nullifies all the math and logic I have learned?