If you don't have a divine revelation (the bible) you cannot account for your life experience.

Of course you're assuming there will be a time at which everybody will have to account for their lives to begin with. All I'm asking here is 'why' do you think so.

I personally believe death is the only real penalty we can get as far as misbehaving in this world and then it's not even a real penalty as it's inevitably going to happen at some point in ones life anyways. Does this mean people can get away with a lot of evil things? Yes, definitely, but what's new?

Not going to work that way. God will judge in grave seriousness.

There's one of those claims again. No offense, but how do you even know what God will think or what he is going to do? You dare to think for him, isn't that a sin as well?

Also, going by the Bible.. God seems to be a lot of personalities performing some kind of off-center balance act when it comes to good and evil. I do not think the Bible proves he's 'just' at all and I also think it's quite clear that in his wisdom he made at least some errors in his judgment along the way.

But I guess that's a matter of interpretation and my point of view on things.

Then they expect him to judge them according to their own moral judgments.

Yes, true, however can't you see the irony when people make claims like 'God will do this' and 'God won't like that'????

Notice I did not say you cannot be moral, scientific, or logical to some degree. But you cannot understand how it's possible.

What exactly do you mean here? Logic (in all it's different forms) provides quite a nice reference to how things make sense in this world. It's much more abstract, but in no way does not believing in God make things 'impossible' to understand. To tell you the truth, I don't really understand what you've meant with that sentence. You're saying I can act and do in the same ways (moral, scientific, logical etc.), but not understand my own actions? I'm sorry but that just sounds rather ridiculous to me.

It's like giving a name to a certain type of new method of movement and stating that the thing in question never really moved because it did not know what it's movement is called or caused by. Even though it does understand quite perfectly that it's legs or whatever are needed to be able to move.

I'll admit it's not the best analogy in the world, but it might give you an idea.


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