
I am looking for comissioned work in the area of design and programming.
I have over 6 years of experience and have done different works for various companies over the time.
This is my portofolio. Feel free to contact me via forum PM or an email to

michael .:at:. xware [minus-sign] cg .:dot:. com

Prices are dependant on the type of work, size and approximate duration to completition.
Of course I am also writing scripts for 3DGS if you need them.


I have a broad variety of programming experience and am able to work in C#, PHP, Flash ActionScript, Javascript/AJAX, MySQL and of course C-Script.
Here are some of the Applications that I have been writing over the years:

SimpleEdit (WIP)

Simple but powerful, my attempt at creating a text editor with lots and lots of special functions which I (personally) haven't found in other programs yet. The main reason why I use it myself almost all the time.


Not in development anymore, because I realized that there are enough Installers out there which you can use for free. Did work though, all that I needed was to make an Creation Wizard so you dont have to tinker the config files manually.

Medianoter Client (WIP)

The client application for my current "Icodenses" Project. See under Websites.


Furthermore, I have developed an Finger tracking system about which I cannot disclosure a lot of information right now as there are several "people" intrested in this.

You can see a youtube video of it here:

I have developed a native file format for SimpleEdit, which is called Simple Document format and is basically a very very simple XML based document file with support for text formatting and enclosures.

Also, I have developed two encryption algorythms dubbed Serapier and Selma which can not only be used to encrypt text, but entire files at a reasonable speed.

Last edited by Michael_Schwarz; 09/10/08 16:03.

"Sometimes JCL reminds me of Notch, but more competent" ~ Kiyaku