Originally Posted By: Schultz
until you have proved all of the "rules of logic" listed on the Wikipedia article personally, it's just hearsay. How do you know that what is said there is logical anyway? Well by using logic of course. This is using circular reasoning if you claim this.

When you had read the Wikipedia article you would know that there are listed the rules that apply to proofs. Which means that the rules themselves can not and are not to be proven. So, no circular reasoning. They are the just rules by which the logic in our brain works.

And why does our brain works by those rules? Because we can understand nature by those rules. If we had in our brain a different logic, we could not have survived in nature. So the reason for the logic rules in our brain is not the Bible, its just evolution.

And why does nature work in a way that we can understand and predict it by rules of logic? Its likewise simple, nature could have also worked in a different way and then we had a different logic, for survival in nature. Our brain will always work by the rules of logic that allows us to survive in our environment.

And all this totally without bible. grin

Hope this helps to understand logic a little, and to understand that logic and religion are quite two different things. Just as religion and morality are two different and as in case of the bible, even contradictory things.

Last edited by Spirit; 09/10/08 19:04.