In the bible (KJV) you will need to look up wisdom and understanding

We aren't talking about wisdom nor understanding.
We are talking about logic and math.

neither logic nor math equal widom. Thus that is moot search.

However, logic can lead to understanding but from the first 100 references to "understanding" in the bible, none of them imply a logical or mathematical system. They merely state that god is the source of understanding which is a far cry from outlining a logical or mathematical system.

So if you arguement is one of substitution -- everywhere it says "wisdom" substitute "logic" -- because these are unrelated terms then you can substitute "anything" for "anything else" and that is neither logical nor rational.

So this fails to show that the bible outlines a logical and mathematical system.

Also the word "therefore"

What does this prove? Therefore is merely a word, it is not a logical system. For example, I can say "I am god therefore worship me". Is that a logical statement? No. It's merely a statement. If we agree on the wikipedia version, Logic needs to have a precondition, rules, and a conclusion. The bible goes straight to the conclusion while ignoring the precondition and rules.

Again, you fail to show proof that the bible lays out a system of math and logic as agreed upon us through wikipedia.

I would say yes. The logic we both use finds it's source in Jesus Christ (

Yet he never mentions logic once. So how can we attribute something to someone (jesus) or something (bible) that makes no mention of that something?


Col 2:3 --> "in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge."

Here's a bit of logic for you:

If an object is hidden, it is not in view and cannot be used.
Jesus' treasures are hidden.
Therefore, jesus treasures are not in view and cannot be used.
Jesus' treasures are widom and knowledge.
Therefore, wisdom and knowledge are not in view and cannot be used.

Your own scriptures go against your earlier statement that logic and math as outlined in wikipedia come from the bible... jesus may have known it, but he sure didn't put it in the bible and share it with us!

So once again we come to the conclusion that the bible speaks of many things, but not of logic and math.