This prophecy about Jesus calls him "The mighty God, The everlasting Father".

Yeah, so perhaps he had children? In no way does it change the fact that in the same line he is referred to as 'Prince of peace'. Why not King of Peace? Doesn't Prince imply that he had a father? So he still can't be the same entity as God.


These things are not contradictions, but revelation that Jesus is God.

It's neither, although at best they are contradictions.

I'm sure we can discuss all the different interpretations all infinity long and still not agree, but that would be rather pointless.
It's your opinion that the solution for it not to be a contradiction is that it must be someone else. Like God.

Doesn't the Bible state to worship only 1 God by the way? So ... how does Jesus, as your God, fit in this picture?

Jesus Christ most definitely is God in the flesh (Jn.1:1, 1 Tim.3:16) and if you don't believe this you will die in your sins according to Jesus Christ (John 8:23-4).
Man does not prove the existence of God it is clearly evident to everyone so much so they are without excuse.

Whatever..., what's the point of taking part in this discussion when you do not intend to come with actual arguments or even worse claim to have some kind of right to not have to prove anything you say.

Those quotes from the Bible do not prove anything, most of it doesn't really make sense anyways as it gets ripped out of it's context and used in whatever way you see fit. The way I see it, the burden of proof is on you,


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