I think you're a bit too optimistic, when I saw the screens and you were stating Jowood would publish the game I was like...right. Now some posts futher it comes down to a standard publisher reply. I really do not want to offend you but prevent you from a big dissappoint. I'm walking around a bit longer in this business then you I guess and do have a game published so I'm know a bit what I'm talking about Publishers like valuesoft for instance are more likely to publish your game at the end, not the ones like Jowood by looking at their line-up of games and their quality.

Be realistic, I wasnt often and received my portion of dissappointments.
The amount of projects in general I've seen going down the drain is quite high, and I think that counts for the most that are doing good now (your first 10 games are bad? ) I think with more improvements you'll make it a too a budget publisher earn some nice money and grow futher in this business.

I wish you all the best and I think your game concept has enough potential.