How about ; 'no religion'. What's the point of having a name, when my belief is NOT religious. There's no point. I think infidel is quite offending, as it claims that I'm 'ignorant' which I am not. I probably know a lot more about the Bible than most atheists/agnostics do, even though all it really takes to fall from any religion is gathering scientific knowledge to be honest.

So you should have no trouble explaining how the law of contradiction evolved and what it is? Or if it is man made then someone can stipulate their own law of logic which allows for contradictions.

If something that looks like a fly has always existed next to mankind, but we haven't yet gave it the name 'fly', then does this mean the fly did not ever exist?

Of course not. Same goes for logic, contradiction and so on. At some point in time we evolved from apes to humans, gaining an intelligence big enough to become more self-aware than most animals. Ultimately leading to very complex social behavior, philosophical thoughts and incredible engineering.

Theories and ideas about logic, contradictions and so on are mainly just philosophical and social discoveries. That's why these laws are universal. They have always been there.. just like the fly, it just took some time before we identified it as a 'fly'.

As with most things, ideas will change over time depending mainly on the average knowledge-level. It only makes sense to assume that with the mere increase of our brain capabilities, so must have our perception of contradictions and logic.

The 'understanding' you talk about from your Bible is purposefully vague and multi-interpretable, hardly something you could use when it comes to logic in practice. Because if I understand correctly, you say there is no contradiction because you follow a different kind of logic/interpretation where these rules don't apply. Well, it can't get any worse than this as far as ignorance goes.


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