fastlane69... you are getting to be one psychotic individual.

Since when does somebody need to make something to be a critic?

Never, as far as I know.

Give the man a break... you are going WAY over the top here, and I hope you reign it in.

To save you the trouble of Googling me and stating I'm not qualified, here is a listing on Mobygames for some of my work:,70461/

Here's also a log file from Paul Renault when I joined Monolith:

Let's just keep this thread a little less violent and a little more clean. One person does not like it, ok, move on. I have faith that Romac and allies can make the game better over the next few months. That's all there really is to it. People will agree or disagree, but let's just agree to disagree on this topic.

Good luck!