I can't believe that now I am the one to say this, but please guys. Masna is clearly a beginner with this stuff - he even says so himself - so don't be that cynical.

Masna, please don't be discouraged by the comments you've received so far, I know it can be disheartening to read mean or cynical replys for something you've spend time on. However, some of those replies hold a bit of truth (as much as one can expect from these one-liners, anyway).

You have a concept and apparently know where you're headed. Thats a good thing, and the more of it you write down, the better. Open Word and clearly outline how your game is going to work. Thats not that crucial for a small project like yours, but when you go on to attempt bigger (and better?) things, thats a hint to keep in mind. But for now, it is a wise decision to keep to somewhat simple stuff, and old Arcadegame-remakes are a good idea: You know they are fun, and they are usually not that hard to remake.

So... your level is extremely simple. Actually, it's mainly a hollow block, with three textures in all. So you can hopefully see that there is, indeed, if one only looks close enough, room for improvement. Thats not to say that your work was a waste of time - especially in the beginning, each click you do in the editors is a valuable learning experience, and while I'm aware that this doesn't sound like much, it actually is! You need to get comfortable with the editor, and creating your own stuff is the quickest and best way to do so.
As far as your level is concerned, don't just start WED and throw things together. Before you even open WED, get yourself a notepad and write down ideas. How is your level supposed to look? A sci-fi-theme? A nature-theme? Or more an abstract, arcade-in-3d-theme? Write down all the ideas that come to your mind, and don't be afraid to sketch something here and there.
When you're done - when you honestly think that you have a clear image in mind of how your level shall look when it's done, then you should try to recreate it again.
Unfortunately, it's unlikely that your first attempts will come even close to what you've imagined, but again, with each one, you'll get closer to your goal, until your level eventually triggers "That looks amazing!"-replies, and not the cynical ones we have here. Maybe think of getting more textures than the one Acknex came with - all users here have seen them a lot more than we should, and most of the times in our pityful first-level-attempts, meaning we're immediatly thinking of those former failures of ours - so we don't really have a positive connection to them wink (apart from that- they are really not that good)

Instead, search for other textures - you'll find them plenty on the web, and if you'`re willing to edit pictures, you can create them yourself from scratch, if you're interested in that, do a search on tutorials and you'll find dozens of tutorials on that.
Lighting then, is a whole different beast, and its not necessarily easy to get right. Don't get discouraged though, because for a simple game like yours, you can work around that by choosing a clever theme (abstract-arcade-goes-3d-style, cough, cough). wink.

So, yes. There still is a long way in front of you - but fear not, for it is a very rewarding, very interesting, and very fun way, and you'll definately learn a lot on it. I, for one, wish you all the best with your project - just don't be afraid to try harder and to think of a neat concept for your level before you set out and make it.

...... What. Why is everyone looking at me like that?! I'll be "Grim and bitter" next time, I swear. wink

In case this was only an elaborate joke, I hate whoever is responsible for that.

Perhaps this post will get me points for originality at least.

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