Hey CBSection,

Congratulations on bringing your game at the state it is today. It's always refreshing to see a gamestudio project to make it to stages where it actually 'feels' like a completed game, and we certainly don't get to see that very often.

I played the demo and finished it. I liked the concept of the game (I don't care if it's similar to Saw or who did it first..), and there were several elements in that 10 minute demo that managed to get me in the dark mood of the game (like the mental descent of an ex-prisoner that you get to read in that yellow notebook..).

As for critics, I found the generic voices incredibly stiff, fake, and definite mood-killers. I'm talking about the stuff that you hear as feedback from your actions, not the voices during dialogue, which were actually better. Although, the ones during the dialogue seemed a bit overly too joyful. I somehow got the feeling that I hadn't just been kidnapped, tied up, and thrown naked into a disgusting cell but was instead chit chatting with a chick at a bar..

Also, I got a question.. The pic in the desk had writing on it that it was from 1968, but the today dates in the guard postbook were from 1967, so what's the deal with that? Minor design mistake, or major story hint? smile

Anyhow, good job.. The game definitely felt like it wasn't a Gamestudio project and at the end of the day that's what it's all about..


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