Edit: -sv only works on W2008 Server in RDP now smirk

Yes I could install DirectX9 on Windows 2003 server. Problem with 2003 server is that this particular company did not have vmware infrastructure only RDP. Also they manage it and TOS is not so friendly.

Windows 2008 server has it all. I mean this provider just started out with new service and has been very generous. They provided the right hardware and software. Already have DX10 on the box so I added the d3dx9_30.dll in my project. Could not run MP with -sv flag only. Maybe I did something wrong, but needed to use -sv -cl -nv otherwise it could not find the server. At least I have it running now smile

ps: with got it running i meant a little experiment demo using your chat-code converted by shadow to litec btw michael. seems to work good.
