
I find myself asking quite a simple question, yet I don't know the answer to. I just found a bunch of great Sci-Fi textures around the web at great Resolution. Some of them are textures of doors. This got me thinking...I have never made a functional door before! Recently I have learned how to CSG subtract and create a doorway, but I am unsure how you create a function door. Here is what I'm going for...

You know how in start trek (or a-lot of movies/shows) When they walk up to a door it slides open to both right and left directions? Well this is what I want. But I am confused as how you accomplish this. Do you make a doorway with CSG subtract and somehow apply the texture in the air? lol sorry I just don't know. Or do you make an actual door model with sliding animations? Could someone please clarify the process for me and maybe point out a tutorial?

I thank you for your time. Also one more question...
How do you add triggers in Game studio? Like in other game engines I've used it's as simple as placing a virtual trigger down that the player walks into. I only ask because I assume I would need a trigger to make the door open and close by itself.

Thanks agin, bye!