We are just starting our project and I must admit I was very concerned after reading through many threads on 3DGS's multiplayer capabilities in the forums (especially with the security issues). After some talk we have discarded our mmo project temporarily until these issues are fixed and decided to completely rip out any multiplayer capabilities from our project.
We too believed this development tool was mmo capable from what we read on the web page and were shocked when we discovered otherwise on the forums. This thread does give us some faith in conitec and we sincerely hope all these problems will be taken seriously and issues solved in an upcoming patch or release.
Unfortunately we cannot delay the project a couple of months beond our schedule to develop plugins, dlls, or fixes for this engine. Luckily we have discovered these problems here in the forums during our first month of development so our entire project is not canceled, only we are discussing to temporarily "transform" it into a single player project while these issues are being adressed. We hope to get what we believe we paid for soon, to be able to develop a "second title" an "online version of our game 2" in the near future.

As for all that has been said in this thread:

1- We personally wouldn't mind paying a raknet license for our mmog.

2- Any help from the multiplayer community would be greatly apreciated if you had any dll plugins for Enet or Raknet we could use in order to continue on the original concept of this project.

"The more you know, the more you realize how little you know..."
