Ever heard of the 'Zen of Python'?

Explicit is better than implicit.

technique terraintex
  pass multitex_repeat11

void debug_startup()

function on_x_event()

action ent_rotate()

Huh? Was easier to add a str_cmpi(..., "_event") instead of a tooken and some state vars. Shaking me from my head to my toes.

Wouldn't this be better:
technique terraintex
  pass multitex repeat 11
  pass multitex repeat(11) // Even better

startup void debug()
startup debug()

event function on_x()
event on_x()

action int ent_rotate() // ignore int, add it anyway to the WED list.
action ent_rotate()

I imagine if you keep this implicit style till A8, we can write...
void game_startup_loadleveltest.wmb_seteventTestEntityTestEvent_eatsomecake_repeat11_savemygreat.sav_finally_exit()
   print( ";)" );