- changed include-files in main.c (newton_materials.c and newton_main.c)
- optimised matireals a little: moved them from map11.c and map12.c to newton_materials.c
- added map18 - 2 methods of creation static bodies

i got a lot of troubles with Bouyancy, so, maybe, i'd proceed to more interesting part: joints wink

1st prize: Lite-C and Newton 2.17 by Vasilenko Vitaliy

Newton2 videos: http://tinyurl.com/NewtonVideos
LiteC+Newton2 discussion: http://tinyurl.com/NewtonWrapperDiscussion
Latest LiteC+Newton2 version(v23, from 29.10.2009): http://depositfiles.com/files/ae1l0tpro