There are tons of scientific evidences in favour of evolutionism and none in favour of creationism
Thus, evolutionism must be taught and creationism must not
As simple as that
These kinds of statements are plentiful when discussing evolution. Basically because there is "a ton of evidences". Alberto has said it so it must be true. Thats great science.

Or they just make ad hominem attacks against creationist ideas and personal attacks and mocking against Christians. They do this because they know that they have no evidence whatsoever.

Starting with the fact that they cant explain where matter came from,leading to the next impossible obstacle of life evolving from non-living matter I have found that every link of the ladder of evolutionary theory is far from proven.

From abiogenesis you proceed to the sheer impossibility of eukaryote evolution w/sexual reproduction and then asking why no new phyla have emerged since the Cambrian period? The missing fossils, stasis vs. punctuated equilibrium, its all really the biggest, most convoluted deceit in human history.

The ONLY reason why scientist dont want to accept creation is because creation demands a creator and they dont want to accept a God because they dont want to accept responsibility for their own morality. If they can erase God, then they think they can erase their own sins. However, their own sin becomes more and more apparent as they twist truth further and further to fit the ridiculous lie we know as evolution.