Like I said, a theory is not a bad thing but, it must have evidence AND must be tested continuously, or it stays a theory and is never proven nor disproven. I'm just saying the evidence is questionable, and it is. It's about as questionable as most of our early AD and BC history.

That science theorys never get proven is another obscure argument in an obscure discussion, just showing your ignorance. It is simply not true. The concepts gets proven, that's for sure. Whole student generations in all countries becomes exactly that to do. Prove it, try to disprove it, convince me from it or from the opposite.

What you absolutely seem to miss is how science works. How should you, you believe, and don't care about knowledge and facts. A concept is the best as long as there is nothing better. When there is something better, this better concept, this theory, becomes the best.

Every concept is called a theory by the way. That the earth is round (okay, ellypsoid) is still called a theory. Gravity is still called a theory. Don't play with words when you don't understand them.

Big Bang theory has not been disproved since, err, 50 years? I don't know. But it is currently the best. Evolution has not been disproved for 150 years. It is currently the best. Even and especially compared with the concept of creationists. There is noting left when you really start to proof the concept of creationism. All facts are against it. All facts points in direction of Evolution instead.

That the earth is flat and the sun circulates around the earth has been disproven. Not longer valid. And the Vatican has finally agreed that the earth is round - in 2001! They have denied as long as possible to keep the dogma of the almightiness. That's how religion works. That the earth is just a few thousand years old has been disproven - the Vatican still denys. Creationists still denys. As long as possible. To keep the dogma of the almightiness.

Another favour trick in such discussions here is to mix half true things with facts and prominent names. Like throwing the word Einstein into the discussion (honestly, did you even understand what you have written here in that context?). Ooh, look, he mentions Einstein, so Einstein must be at their side. Which means he must be right. A cheap trick. Or just to write half of a comment. Ooh, look, that he said. And when you read the full comment you find out that he said the exact opposite. Another cheap trick.

Cheap tricks. That's how religion works since thousands of years.

Last edited by Tiles; 10/15/08 09:05.

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