i'm having a problem applying a normal map to my gun model.

i have created a NM and i put it into a 3rd skin of my gun model and then in code:

MATERIAL* mtl_myGunShader =
effect = "sc_obj_aio.fx";

i apply that material to my gun and my gun turns completely black. in sc_obj_aio.fx i have enabled normal mapping define:

Click to reveal..

//Use Diffuse Lighting

//Use Shadowmap

//Use Specular Lighting
//#define SPECLIGHT

//Use Environment Mapping
//#define ENVMAPPING

//Use Velvety Effect
//#define VELVETY

//Use Normalmapping

//Use Luminance Mapping
//#define LUMMAPPING

//Use Team Color
//#define TCOLOR

//Above Effects will react to sunlight (only needed if you have dynamic lights in your level)
//#define DOSUN

//Diffuse Lighting will react to 5 additional dynamic lights including the sun
//#define DYNLIGHTS

//Use PixelShader 2.a | set this if you get an errormessage ("code uses too many many arithmetic instruction slots")
#define PS2A

Can anyone (it would be best if Boh_Havoc could) explain to me how to apply normal map shader with shade-c?

Ubi bene, ibi Patria.