I just jumped in because somebody else started to mention god as a fact smile

And not every answer from me was meant in your direction.

It is not my goal to shoot anybody down by the way. We lead a discussion here. Not a war.

And of course do i accept when somebody has another opinion than i have.

I ask you for facts that show otherwise.

Ah, sorry, have overlooked to answer that question. My fault.

I thought this proteine thingie is proven by the experiment of Stanley Miller? Isn't a proteine made of amino acids?

Miller put together ammonia, hydrogen, methane, and water into a closed system, heated the water, and passed an electrical discharge through it to simulate lightning. In a few weeks Miller’s system produced 13 of the 21 amino acids required for life. He dramatically changed the course of how we see life in the universe.

Earth did have millions of years to go through all possible combinations. Which must have leaded to the first cell. Else we wouldn't be here. But okay, that's just my interpretation smile

The fossil record teaches me that life forms suddenly appear and the ones that go extinct suddenly dissappear.
The fossil record teaches me that every life form that has survived until our day has done so virtually unchanged.

Hmm, i see a snapshot with every fossil. Not every chain is filled with examples. There are still lots of missing links. But there are enough examples where the chain is full enough to give a first rough picture.

Putting them in order shows me a sauropode without feathers, a sauropode with feathers, a first bird with still teeth, a bird. You can follow how it changes from one to another.


And what's even nicer, you can follow this evolution that is represented by fossils even in how a bird embryo grows. They show rudimentary teeth at one point for example before it turns into a beak smile

Putting them in order i see something like a seacow, i see something like a whale with degenerated feet, see the backfeet become smaller and smaller and the frontfeet become fins, and i see a whale where the degenerated backfeet are nearly gone. I see a land animal become a ocean animal here. You can follow how it changes from one to another.


Putting them together i see a horse evolute, i see how feet becomes hoofs. They change sizewise and shapewise from a foot with pad and claw down to current hoofs. With all their steps between. It's not that there were just feet, and from one moment to another hoofs. I see evolution in all their steps happen.

Putting them in order i see the different subspecies of homo. I see the brain grow, i see how the frontpart becomes bigger and bigger over the time with every evolutionary step.

I see change where you see not connected jumps. I see evolution smile

A donkey and a horse can have childs. But this childs are infertile. This is one live example of evolution where the species are still close enough to have childs, but not longer close enough to mix again. Evolution that happens now.

Last edited by Tiles; 10/22/08 12:07.

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