I have a few questions. Will there be conections by sockets? What is the limit of number of connections? Can the server handle client crashes automatically, or other types of unexpected disconnections? (Timeouts?). Can you send multidimentional arrays or structs?

Also it would be great if the server could work without having to actually load a level, that would be a great feature so the server we program using your plugin could handle multiple maps. (multi-zone support?). Is this feature planned?

A lobby system to search for online game sessions to join and chat before you start to play a level would be great.
Is late-join support implemented (when a game is already in progress)?

Additional functions that take care automatically of the most commonly used features in multiplayer games, this is not needed but I think they could take relatively little time to develop and would add great value to your project. Some ideas that come to my head are:
-chat being dealt with easily through a function instead of having to make one yourself like: chat_send(player, STRING*) or chat_send(all, STRING*), etc...
-some automated functions for "teams" support like: add_to_team(player_id, team_id), chat_send(team_id, STRING*), send_pos(player_pos, team_id), etc...

These are just the first ideas that come to my head, but i bet there are some more. All this "atuomated chat/teams" can already be done with your plugin if the user adds functions to control these things in his game script. But if these type of things are dealt with automatically by functions of your plugin I think it would be the difference between an Enet connection plugin worth 20€(or whatever you set the final price to), to a great tool worth more than double of that. And also by adding automatization for common multiplayer game features you would awaken the interest of a much broader public.

P.S.: I am interested in buying your plugin withought those automated things. These are just ideas that came to my head thinking: "If I was making a plugin like this and would release it comercially what could I do to increase its value and get more people interested in buying it".

"The more you know, the more you realize how little you know..."
