Hello everyone,

My screen name is Tozzy (want to change it, but by the looks of it, it's no longer possible as before). I left in 2006 to focus on new hobbies and to close the door on 3d modelling for good. However, I got back into modelling a couple of months ago, have produced some whopping good work lately, so thought it would be a shame to give it up completely. New people won't know me yet, but I hope some of the regular posters still remember me. Just think of the guy with the big bushy beard who got on everyone's nerves spamming their threads lol :P; funny how people change because I've grown up a lot since then, even bought a couple of razors and had a shave smile!

Anyway, just wanted to say hi to the people I still remember. Won't name individually because it will take too long. I'm here to share knowledge on gamestudio, help people and hopefully be helped in return. Infact, I have a question already :D, which of course I'll post in the relevant section.

I'll pop by every now and then when I can. Really busy at the moment with gamestudio.

See you all around the forums.

Hehe, I see they've changed all the smilies too laugh