As promised last time I posted here. You can download the vehicle demo at: arcadeCar

The vehicle model is by no mean realistic, but it is good enough for an arcade type of game. For more Realistic vehicle model we have to wait for version 2.0 of Newton.

All the art and the majority of the script code was provided by Ventilator, I modified the script to make it works with Patch 1.5

Cars are all wheel drive, and there is no transition, gears, or sound effects.
You can add those effects by adding script code to any of these three function in the file vehicle_playground.wdl

function VehicleBeginEvent(vehicleConst)
function VehicleEndEvent(vehicleConst)
function VehicleTireEvent(vehicleConst, tyreIndex)

it should be easy simple enought to add for example sound effects.
