Who is playing Fallout 3 right now?

From what I have already played, it's a very nice game, with a really good fallout feeling to it. Though some more "V.A.T.S." action in real fallout style would be appreciated, if you could switch to a "tactical mode" or something. It would make some messy situations way more overviewable.

Any way, allthough it's heavily based on Oblivion, and still has an oblivion feeling to it, it isnot as boring as oblivion, maybe because of the smaller world, which doesn't make travelling as boring as in obilvion.

That again makes it much more intresting to explore the world and do the quests because I dont think "urgh, now I have to travel ALL THAT EFFIN WAY". Thats what made Obilivion and Morriwind that kind of games where I soon just switch to godmode and slaugther people for fun, since it's way more entertaining than spending half an hour walking through nothing and just waiting for you to get there bacause you cant fast travel there as you havent discovered a certain location yet.

I like the concept of the open world, though It isn't all that open world as they claimed in the previews.


E.g. I remember the guy saying "The world is totally open, for example, if i would want to i can go to the washington monument and go up the elevator" in one ov the E3 presentations.

Plays out, that a LOT of places in the main city are blocked by all that stupid rubble which prevents you from travelling directly to places like the said Washington Monument or the GNR building, which makes it very frustrating to find the subways and being forced to do that "linear" way.

For example, I had to go though the Friendwhatever subway several times, until I found out which way does acutally lead to the GNR plaza that I almost thought that it was the wrong way and that somewhere around town was some unblocked road to go there, instead, It WAS the right way, just too many options to go once youre inside there, and I hated to go all the way back again and over again. Really frustrating.

Also the radio station is very confusing, when Three Dog calls you a scumbag for blowing up megaton, and in the next announcement asks people to give you a pat on your back because you are such a nice boy/girl who is looking for his/her daddy. They should have made a more "free" way of doing that, like Three Dog refusing to talk to you and instead you get a different option about finding out about your father having been in Riwhatever city.

Kinda makes the "free world" thing not very believable.


Also, I read about someone finding Vault 112 sooner than the storyline expected by just wanting to explore the wasteland, and therefore all the dialogues was messed up, because people expected you to know about things you didnt had a clue about. They have should integrated an alternative path, in case you find that vault earlier. Or at least lock that goddamn door and require a key which you would have found along with your fathers personal records.

But all in all, it's a very nice game and I'd love to play it again going a different path (like not blowing up megaton for instance... I just wanted to see if the trailer didn't lie about that too)

Oh, and it would be nice if there would be more places you can find a doctor or some NPC that can repair your stuff. Made it kinda hard after I blew up that town.

Well, I havent finished the game yet, so theres yet much more to come and I am eager to continue playing!

"Sometimes JCL reminds me of Notch, but more competent" ~ Kiyaku