@Michael_Schwarz, I think the main problem with games nowadays is that every single one of them is a multi-million dollar investment so it's hard to not take themselves seriously and do silly stuff like for example a special encounter in fallout2 where you run across Sir Robin from monty Python's Holy Grail while he was fleeing from the three headed monster. Or when Mike Tyson bites your ear off in a boxing game and as a result you get -1 in Charisma (plus, you get to carry your ear around in your inventory). And all this, special groin attacks and getting raped by a super mutant are signs of a game that isn't afraid to not take itself too seriously and as a result you get a really hilarious game.

But nevertheless, I think Black Isle today would somehow still be able to come through to the fans and build a better game, even if that meant having to face lawsuits from soccer moms

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