Originally Posted By: broozar
now you make it sound like it was a mistake.

I don't think anyone is saying Fallout 3 is a bad game here. Even the reviews about it are raving to say the least. I think it's one of these games where if you haven't played the prequels then you'll like it. I mean, to all the people praising Fallout 3 in this thread, how many of you have honestly finished both Fallout 1 and 2? Because I find it hard to believe that after you've experienced the true freedom and uninhibited humor of the first two titles you can still appreciate this one. It's like that tv show "Joey". As stand alone, it's an okey series, but whenever I catch it on tv it just makes me wanna see Friends again.

On the bright side, when crappy sequels like this come up leave it to modders to make things right again.. I'm sure it won't be long until an awesome Fallout1-2 mod comes up.. This fact alone is a reason for me to get this game..

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