yeah, interesting poll, but i cannot answer it. that doesn't make this off-topic though; perhaps you'd be interested in "why".

when you refer to God as "God", it's very difficult to separate the "God" i know from this anonymous character you're describing; a god limited by human perception and knowledge compared to my "God" i know much better and already have a faith in. this poll would be much easier to answer for atheists, and even then, it wouldn't be much of a religious poll as most answers would be from non-religious people.

for example, if you created a poll saying "Assume a Robert Neville" exists, and asked me all these questions about this hypothetical "Robert Neville", it'd be too difficult to step away from what i think the "Robert Neville" that i actually know would do (Robbie's my best friend and like a brother to me [even though i have brothers], and isn't that guy from I Am Legend).

now, i could have made that less confusing by using someone else as an example (someone not played by Will Smith), but he's the best example of someone i know well enough that i could answer most questions on his behalf.

i hope that's useful for you.


Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!