logic based on what, though? what was God's purpose in making us? the "logic" of most questions relies heavily on the choice for the first question (the "why"), and that question in itself is very limiting: either God needs our help (learning or making more good) or He made us just to worship Him.

i liked how you, PHeMoX, being an atheist, picked up on that bit as well: God by definition wouldn't be making us so He can learn from us. that should really leave one choice as far as the poll jcl's given us is concerned.

i will do my best to answer the poll; i just don't think a generalised poll for both atheists and theists will return very useful results in a study on religion. i think the survey is asking for the means to several different ends, without separating them.


EDIT: i can't answer the last question. grouping "hate" (ungodly) with "hell" (the best choice for that question) was a bad decision. look up "universalism" and "annihilationism". i'm not saying i believe in those, but from my limited perspective on God's creation i would choose "universalism". none of the other answers are acceptable, but neither is ascribing "hate" to God.

Last edited by JulzMighty; 11/04/08 22:49. Reason: feedback on the last question.

Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!